The training maintenance program replaces the need to recertifiy your training on a traditional three year recertification cycle. It’s an excellent value for the cost, and allows you to review your skills in your own backyard. We track your members, and their status on course content completion within a three year cycle, which mirrors a traditional three year recertification cycle.
new members can integrate into maintenance programs by jumping on an open course from our public schedule. it gives department members more annual hands-on time with their skills.
it allows us to deliver the training in small chunks every year, rather than in one big chunk every three years.This is generally a pretty reasonable approach for training departments because:
Your group pays the instructor’s daily teaching fee and travel costs associated with bringing the instructor to your training location, along with an annual fee to be part of the maintenance program.
User Control Interfaces: Design custom buttons, import graphics, add UCI PIN protection as an addition layer of protection and build user controls for touchscreen controllers.If you have a group that would like to review their training together, the training maintenance program may be right for you. Third-party peripheral support: Q-SYS allows for control of external devices through available LUA scripting. Emulation Mode: Build the majority of your system without hardware. One Software for all System Sizes: Q-SYS Designer Software is a single application for use with every Q-SYS Core category for projects of any size. As a result, the software allows system integrators to focus their energy on building the audio system, rather than laboring over a complex software learning curve. It is laid out without clutter or complicated multi-level menus. Save 25 + Free Shipping Use Coupon Code 20PSG22 Online orders only Excludes Fisdap and Action Training Systems products Free Shipping only for. The system design environment was created specifically to be intuitive and easy to use. This software enables the user to create designs for native Q-SYS Platform system and also supports the integration of the greater Q-SYS Ecosystem. Q-SYS Designer Software is the most powerful yet simple advanced DSP design software on the market today. British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA).